While asphalt is an incredibly versatile material, it will ultimately degrade over time due to oxidation from sunlight, water and chemicals. Over time, the asphalt binder in pavement oxidizes and becomes brittle. Loss of flexibility leads to cracks and potholes. Aggregate also pops out as the top layer of binder is worn away, leading to loss of friction.
Like the name implies, sealcoating actually seals the pavement surface, blocking the effects of sun, rain, deicing salts and vehicle fluids. Sealcoat also penetrates into the surface of the asphalt, replacing vital ingredients that keep the pavement from becoming brittle. While some cracking is inevitable, sealcoating significantly slows the deterioration of asphalt, which delays the large-scale cracking that leads to pavement failure.
What makes Crafco Sealcoat so effective?
According to the Pavement Coatings Technology Council, homeowners can save more than $8,000 on an 18-foot by 30-foot driveway with regularly scheduled sealcoating over the course of 30 years.
The Pavement Council also estimates the cost of a 360,000-square-foot lot over 12 years at just 39₵ per square foot if sealed, but $1.76 per square foot if left untreated. And that doesn’t address the value of presenting a beautiful exterior to potential customers, which sealcoating helps provide.
Learn more about the benefits of sealcoating.
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